Class 2
Welcome to Class 2
Welcome to Class 2. We are an amazing class of happy and eager Year 1 and Year 2 children. Our teacher is Mrs Fowler and we also have Mrs Lee, Miss Pohrebienyk and Miss Stowell to help us with our learning.
Key Information
Spelling review: Friday
New spellings will be set every Friday and reviewed the following Friday morning.
Change of Reading Books: Monday/Friday
However, please make sure your child brings their book bag and reading books daily as there will be regular opportunities to read in class.
Homework: Set on a Friday
Please can you ensure your child's homework book is back in school the following Wednesday for homework to be checked, marked and for new homework to be set.
We have PE every Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school.
We look forward to a successful, joyous and enjoyable year ahead!
The Class 2 team.