Coronavirus - Easter update
This week should have been the culmination of another term of hard work at school with our Celebration Assemblies.
While we are not publicly able to recognise the contribution that so many of our pupils will have made this term in the usual way, I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate all of them on the way that they have adapted to the new way of learning that is now in place. Feedback from teachers has been that the overwhelming majority of pupils are keeping up with their work and many are accessing additional online tasks and activities; some of these can be seen on the school’s Twitter accounts. We also appreciate that the challenges of accessing work in some households are significant, with lots of people all trying to get onto the family laptop. Please reassure you son(s) / daughter(s) that as long as they are doing their best, that is all we can ask.
This week is also a time when we would normally pause our school days and spend some time in prayer. On Wednesday we watched Father Gerard celebrate a Holy Week Mass on the Good Shepherd website webcam. He is live streaming each day at 10am however today’s Mass is at 7pm for Maundy Thursday.
Looking ahead, on Friday school will close down for 1 week, with no work being set by teachers on the online platform until school “re-opens” on Monday 20th April for Key Workers and Vulnerable children. We are aware that the current restrictions on movement and leaving the house can put strains on normal family life and you may find some value in alternative online activities to keep the children occupied over the break.
The following list has been recommended for sharing;
Joe Wicks Daily Workout:
Virtual Days Out:
At a time of great uncertainty, we look forward to school re-opening and life returning to normal with no indication yet as to when this might happen. Please continue to check the school website for updates.
If any key worker or vulnerable families need any support or childcare over the Easter period then please email The emails send a notification and will be accessed permanently.
In the meantime, we wish you and yours well; we hope that you are staying safe and that you enjoy a happy and holy Easter.