COVID-19 Update
I wanted to write with an update on the new ways that we are having to work.
Well done to the vast majority of pupils who have been able to access their work on Purple Mash or in their school packs and via other online home learning resources. Many have completed huge amounts of work. We understand that access to IT for families may be difficult at present and therefore pupils should not worry if they are not able to complete all of the work that is set.
Also, pupils should not be spending too long on their work; certainly no more than a normal school day. Where access to IT limits the opportunity to complete tasks that have been set, pupils are encouraged to put some time aside each day for silent reading.
We would like to thank families for supporting the children this week. We appreciate that home schooling is a very different experience than their normal school routine and hopefully by now they are starting to adjust to this new way of working.
All the evidence suggests that sticking to a daily structure with a set place to work and set times is of great benefit to everybody at home
School remains open for a very limited number of pupils. We are extremely grateful for the vast majority of families who have been able to arrange for their children to be safely kept at home as this provides a safer environment for the small number of children of key workers who have no choice but to attend school.
We also take this opportunity to thank the front line health and emergency services and other key workers who are working so hard to keep all of our families safe.