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Holy Trinity RC Primary School

Holy Trinity
Roman Catholic Primary School


Headteachers Welcome

It is an honour and a privilege to be the Headteacher of Holy Trinity. This is a very happy, friendly school situated in spacious grounds on the edge of Brierfield with wonderful views of Pendle Hill. We are a thriving Catholic school, a member school of the Romero CAT

Holy Trinity School is a Catholic School where we share our life in Christ in the growing knowledge that Jesus loves us.

At the very heart of our school are our children. Here at Holy Trinity we take the view that every child really does matter. In education, as with all life, things change, and we constantly face new challenges, both in terms of developments in education and expectations of the children and parents. We aim to be a vibrant core in the community, as well as forward looking in our attitude to education.

We invest heavily in human resources, which we believe is the best way to raise achievement and meet the needs of our pupils. All our members of staff are fully committed to the school and dedicated to their task of caring for the pupils.

We believe that good behaviour is crucial to maintain the positive and caring ethos of the school, and our priority is to engage children in their learning, whilst helping them develop a positive attitude towards one another and the school.

Holy Trinity R.C. Primary School is a good school, where children are encouraged to achieve their full potential. We are proud of our pupils, and consider it a privilege to serve the parish and community by giving children the best possible start in their education.

If you would like to visit our school then please contact the school to arrange an appointment.

Mrs M.T. Lyle
