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Holy Trinity RC Primary School

Holy Trinity
Roman Catholic Primary School


Spring 1

CYCLE A - 2023/2024


This term we will be reading Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend.  The children will have many opportunities to write independently in different genres. 

The local Fire Service visited Class 4 to discuss fire safety and road safety. 

The children enjoyed creating sequences in gymnastics using counter balances, counter tension balances with matching and mirroring movements. They watched themselves on video to evaluate their performances and worked on improving them. 

The children planned, made and evaluated their own Installation Art. They were amazing! 

Cycle B 2022/2023

This half-term, Class 4 are reading Letters from the Lighthouse for their Class Read.  This is a beautiful story written by Emma Carroll.  The children will be able to create lots of different genres of writing including:  diaries, newspaper reports, postcards, ship's log, character descriptions and setting descriptions which link to their history topic of WWII.

 Class 4 have enjoyed their after school badminton sessions this half-term. 

Class 4 have also been very lucky and had after school boxing lessons from Coach Ali and Coach Brian. 


The children have been investigating light and how it travels. 


We are very excited about becoming reading buddies to the children in Class 3.  They come to us 2 x weekly and we hear them read.  Year 6  have to be excellent reading role models!

These are some of the comments from the Year 6 children after just 3 sessions!

  • I love the excited looks on their faces when they come in and jump up and down shouting, “Come on, Come on, let’s read!”  It’s magical.  
  • P is learning lots of new words and new literacy skills such as apostrophes. 
  • I love listening to them read.  I love helping them when they struggle with words. 
  • I love hearing Class 3 read and I think we should keep doing it.  
  • I love helping them learn new words. 
  • I feel like Year 1 and 2 phonics are flooding back to me! 
  • I love listening to them read.  They are little Angels whilst they read.  
  • I love listening and helping the younger children read.  
  • I like hearing children read their reading books because it makes me laugh.  I love it when they try to repeat what we are teaching them. L
  • They are really enjoying it.  Also, it is fun and I think we should carry it on so we can help them.  
  • T loves getting the soft toy dinosaurs to hear him read.  
  • I love hearing the improvement from the week before.