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Holy Trinity RC Primary School

Holy Trinity
Roman Catholic Primary School


Our Parish

Our Parish of St John Southworth is part of the Diocese of Salford and is made up of many elements: there are two churches - Christchurch, Carr Road, Nelson and Holy Saviours Church, Vulcan St, Nelson .  There are three primary schools within our parish. 


Our parish is shepherded by our Parish Priest, Fr Gerard Kelly and is assisted by our Parish Pastoral Assistant, Monica 

We have close links with our parish and Father Gerard  visits school often and engages with our children and families. We also enjoy inviting parishioners to join us at school celebrations, such as assemblies or the Infant Nativity. 

Mass Times

Sunday - Christ Church, 9:30am 

Sunday - Holy Saviours Church, 11:15am


Holy Saviours - 2 Vulcan St, Nelson BB9 8HE

Christ Church - 15 Cross St, Nelson BB9 7LE