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Holy Trinity RC Primary School

Holy Trinity
Roman Catholic Primary School


Wider Re-Opening

I am writing to provide you with information and guidance related to the planned re-opening of Holy Trinity RC Primary School in accordance with the Government guidance and policy making decisions. Lancashire now believes schools are in a safe position to reopen for more children.  We are looking forward to welcoming children from EYFS, Year 1 and Year 6 into school on Wednesday 24th June.

We have been analysing the instructions from government about how this will work in practice. Using this statutory advice, we have developed a plan, which will enable us to satisfy the following conditions:

 Continue to provide high quality of home learning for pupils in non-priority year groups and pupils who are continuing to isolate.

Continue to provide education to children of Key Workers who have worked tirelessly throughout this crisis to provide essential services.

Continue to provide education to vulnerable children as defined by the government framework.

Ensure that we meet the government guidance on how to reduce the spread of the virus, e.g. class sizes of 15 or less, regular hand washing and sanitisation of surfaces and handles, ensure that no one with symptoms is in the building, reduction of contact between groups.

Maintain staffing at a level that is likely to be sustainable.

Provide systems that maintain staff and pupil well-being and therefore ensure resilience is high.

Prioritise return to school for the identified year groups: Reception, Year One and Year Six.

At present the only pupils that will be allowed to return to school on this date are:


Year 1

Year 6

Children whose parents are keyworkers or vulnerable children 

Infection Control Measures - In order to safely place the children across the school, the following provisions will be made:

  • Regular hand washing by all staff and pupils in accordance with Public Health England guidance – appropriate products will be available in classes and toilets. Hand washing will last for 20 seconds each time.
  • School will promote effective respiratory hygiene measures – ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach – these posters will also be displayed around school.
  • Frequent cleaning of surfaces and equipment – separate sprays available in all areas of the school. Each staff member will have access to anti-virus cleaner and cloths.
  • Children to be placed into 4 ‘bubbles’ of no more than 15 children;
  • Pupils will be in these class groups up until the summer term. They will have no contact with other pupils beyond this group, to adhere with government social distancing guidelines.
  • Each ‘bubble’ to be allocated a teacher and a teaching assistant whilst staffing levels allow.
  • Each ‘bubble’ to remain within their classroom except to go to the toilet and use outside areas.
  • 4 separate opening times, break times, lunch times and collection times to be implemented 
  • Pupils will use the same chair, table and stationery equipment on a daily basis – these will be labelled to so that cross contamination does not occur.
  • Strict toileting and hand washing provision to be put into place.
  • In order to reduce the risk of infection and transmission, children and staff from each ‘bubble’ to have no contact with children and staff from any other ‘bubble’;
  • Lunches will be in the hall at set times and staff are to wipe down tables and chairs after their slot in preparation for the next group of children.
  • Children with long hair to tie their hair up with a simple bobble. 
  • School uniform will not be worn. Children will attend school in their own clothes so that they can have fresh clean clothes daily. Year 6 will wear the ‘year 6 hoodies’ on a Friday.
  • School pumps will be worn as normal. This will help eliminate the risk of cross contamination. If you have lost or grown out of your indoor pumps, then alternative indoor slippers may be used. These will be left in school.
  • Children will be asked to bring a water bottle with their name clearly labelled to school as we are not using the water fountains.