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Holy Trinity RC Primary School

Holy Trinity
Roman Catholic Primary School


Cauliflower Cards

This term we have decided to participate in a ‘Christmas Design Project’ run by Cauliflower Cards.  The project aims to encourage pupils’ creativity and design skills whilst also raising funds for our school.


Your child has been creating his/her own Christmas design which can be professionally printed to produce personalised Christmas Cards, Gift Labels, Wrapping Paper and/or Mugs.


Not only would it be very exciting for your child to see his/her work as a finished printed product, the cards themselves are great for sending a more personal greeting to friends and family at Christmas and the Mugs are great for gifts!


Orders and payment must be made online using the unique code located at the top of the pupil order form.  Please refer to your order form for further instructions.

Each order form must be unique so please do not photocopy the form for other members of your family you can get extra copies from your school.

All artwork where orders have been placed must be returned to school by: 16th October 2019.

Cards will be delivered by the beginning of December.